The Graveyard

Domains that were once loved but are now gone forever! :( Listed from newest to oldest. List also includes domains that were hosted by others.
born 13th July 2010, died 24th February 2024*
♥ My amazing fanlisting collective, Planets Bend Between Us, that lasted the test of time, finally succumbing to out of date PHP and no desire to continue. As mentioned on the domains page, I technically still have this open to direct fans to new fanlisting locations and a list of fanlisting members and codes I have available should anyone stumble upon it.
born 5th October 2011, died September 2014
♥ This was supposed to be my graphics site, showcasing examples of my graphic design work (icons, banners, headers, wallpapers). It never even got off the ground! I am a very fickle domain owner...
born 16th February 2012, died February 2014
♥ This was a site for my now ex-boyfriend Shaun and I, a place to document the progress of the model railway we were building together, as well as display images of our locomotives and the like. When we parted ways in May 2013 the site died with it. I no longer participate in model railways either :(
born 13th December 2011, died sometime in 2013
♥ My personal blog, which I did post in a couple of times (and had heated debates!). I intended to use this site as a replacement for Livejournal, but it never kicked off unfortunately!
born 26th July 2011, died sometime in 2013
♥ This website was going to be my travel blog, containing short entries about towns and regions that I've visited across Australia. It was a great idea at the time and I did make SOME progress. Lack of motivation killed it, however. Maybe one day I'll pick up on an idea like this again...
born 14th June 2011, died sometime in 2013
♥ Sugar Quills was going to archive all of the fanfiction I have ever written, with links to read each one (as some have been scattered across the web). Again, this project was started but never completed! Curse this fickle heart...
born 28th June 2011, died June 2012
♥ This site was going to be a music-hub of sorts (tied in with my, my username being enjoytheflames), where I was planning to blog about music I'm currently listening to, lyrics I like, etc. I just got bored with the idea, especially since my personal blog would cover those topics.
born 1st March 2011, died March 2012
♥ I had big plans for this site. It was going to be a blog about hot chocolate; logging where I bought it from, what it tasted like, cost, etc. However I found a Blogspot site that was SO similar to my idea (the guy running it is even from the same CITY as me!) and my idea suddenly started going down the drain. I would have felt like a copycat if I had made it, and I couldn't be bothered in the end :( Isn't that sad?
born January 2009, died July 2010
♥ I was hosted by the lovely Hider and this was my combined personal site and fanlisting collective until I purchased
born February 2007, died September 2007
♥ My very first fanlisting collective, and I was hosted by my friend Lori from livejournal. Her domain was being upgraded with the chance all files would not make it, simultaneously that the files on my computer at home were lost due to a virus (coincidence?!) so I lost EVERYTHING and didn't have the heart to get back into fanlistings for a long time afterwards. D:

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